This article provides an overview of the various information, categories, and filters that can be added to a work order via the Web Site Configuration tab for Facilitron Works Order Administrators.

First, let’s take a look at the following Work Order choices seen below under the Web Site Configuration tab.

Budget Accounts 

All things budget codes may be entered and managed by accessing Web Site Configuration > Budget Codes.

Inspection Standards and Ratings 

To conduct inspections utilizing the Facilitron Works system, first add inspection ratings via Web Site Configuration > Inspection Standards and Ratings.


Examples of Priorities include Low, Medium, High, Emergency, Summer Project, etc. These are also visible on the Order Administrator and Processor’s Receive Screen. To configure more priorities, please go to Web Site Configuration > Priorities. Please see How to Access Your Work Orders on the Facilitron Works App to see how work order priorities appear in map view on the Facilitron Works App. 


You can create a project name to add multiple work orders to a specific project by going to Web Site Configuration > Projects. An example of a project would be modernizing a school where multiple trades and many work orders will be involved in completing the modernization project for the school. By creating a project and attaching all component work orders to that project, the progress of the project can be tracked and, upon completion, reports can be run regarding all things related to the project. There is also another method for creating a project covered in Understanding Components of a Work Order.


Purpose is another category that allows for further refinement to the type of work being done. For example, there could be two work orders involving a worker in the designated “Painter” trade - one worker might be repainting a wall or classroom whereas another would be covering graffiti. The purpose for the first might be “routine repair” and the second “graffiti removal”.


The status of the work order tells you where it is in the process (Ex: Submitted, Approved = Pending, Received by M&O, Closed = work is complete). Examples of statuses include: Open, Received, Pending Parts, etc.

Work Categories 

A Work Category is a grouping of work such as General Maintenance, Electrical or Graffiti. Work Categories also indicate staffing needs. Work Categories help M&O to analyze workload and backlog. Performance standards can also be created utilizing work categories.