This article will assist Administrators with adding or making changes to shared and dedicated services on a reservation.

What is the Difference Between Shared and Dedicated Services/Equipment?

There are two types of services/equipment that may be included on a reservation request: shared and dedicated.

A shared service/equipment is one that applies to an entire reservation date, regardless of the facilities included on that date. A dedicated service/equipment is one that applies to a specific facility or facility type only.

Some examples of shared services/equipment are custodial staff or security, or tables and chairs.

Some examples of dedicated services/equipment may be an A/V technician or a volleyball net.

  1. Shared Services/Equipment will appear at the top of a timeslot’s date. To make changes to a shared service, click the ChangeServices button.
  2. You may remove any service or equipment by clicking the redx next to the service or piece of equipment’s line item.
  3. Dedicated Services/Equipment will appear beneath the designated facility’s date. To make changes to a dedicated service, click the Modification button and select ChangeTimeslot.

Adding or Changing Shared Services or Equipment

To make changes to a Shared service, begin by clicking the Change Services button on the desired date. 

By default, the Services pop-out will show services and equipment currently included on the reservation date. To view additional services or equipment, click show more.

Depending on your role configuration, you may add or remove a service or piece of equipment by selecting the checkbox to the left of the service/equipment name. You may also adjust the quantity or hours the service or equipment is needed. Doing so will automatically adjust the fees for that service or piece of equipment based on your organization’s configured rate tables.

If the fees for a shared service or piece of equipment require manual adjustments, you may do so by changing the Total ($) in the far right column. 

Once all required adjustments have been made, you may either choose to + Apply to Additional Dates, or proceed in applying the change(s) by clicking Submit.

Adding or Changing Dedicated Services or Equipment

To make changes to a Dedicated service, click the Modification button, and select Change Timeslot on the desired date.

Depending on your role configuration, you may add or remove a service or piece of equipment by selecting the checkbox to the left of the service/equipment name. You may also adjust the quantity or hours for which the service or equipment is needed. Doing so will automatically adjust the fees for that service or piece of equipment based on your organization’s configured rates.

If the fees for a dedicated service or piece of equipment require manual adjustments, you may adjust by changing the total ($) in the far right column. 

  • Please note that any required service or equipment for a facility cannot be unselected at this point, and will not have a checkbox next to it. While you may adjust the hours or fees for a required service or piece of equipment, to remove the service/equipment entirely you will need to click the red x next to the service or piece of equipment’s line item on the reservation timeslot.