This article will assist Administrators with making changes to timeslots, facilities, or equipment, as well as applying the changes to multiple dates. Please note that your ability to make certain changes will depend on your role configuration.

If a reservation's timeslots, facilities, or equipment require changes, you may be able to edit any of these items from the  Reservation Details page. See Finding Reservations/Navigating To The Reservation Details Page for assistance in locating this page.

Once on the Reservation Details page, find the date of the reservation that requires changes under the Reservation Timeslots section, and click Edit. If needed, you may also make changes to Shared Services (services that will be used for all rooms/facilities reserved, such as Custodial Staff, etc.) on the reservation by clicking the Change Service button. See Adding or Changing Services for additional information on changing services.

To make a change to a designated timeslot, facility, or equipment for the facility, click the Modification dropdown, and select Change Timeslot.

Once “Change Timeslot” has been opened, you will see the changes that can be made here. Below, we will cover how to make and apply these changes to additional dates to make larger, more sweeping updates much easier. 

  1. Activity Name: Any text written in this field will appear as italicized text next to the facility’s timeslot. This may be used to designate a sports team's practice dates vs. game dates, etc.

    1. Facility: This field will display the current facility associated with the timeslot. Click this dropdown to change the facility for the selected date and timeslot.

    2. Date: The currently selected date will appear in blue on this calendar. Select a different date here to change the date of the timeslot.

    3. Timeslot: The currently selected timeslot will appear in blue in this timeslot table. Timeslots in green  represent timeslots that are outside of scheduled availability. Timeslots in white represent available timeslots that may be selected to change. 

      1. Alternatively, you may use the Start Time and End Time picker to designate a change in time, or to choose a timeslot (these can be selected down to 5-minute increments).

    4. Apply Time & Update Fees and Update Services/Equipment: When the date, timeslot, or facility is changed, you will need to click the Apply Time & Update Fees button to proceed. This will calculate the fees for the newly designated date, timeslot, or facility, based on the rate table provided by the district.

      1. Please note that if you only update the date or timeslot, but not the facility, and the facility has Configured Services and Equipment that have previously been adjusted, you may uncheck this box to keep the services and equipment configured as is. Leaving this box checked will reset any manual adjustments made to the dedicated services and equipment to their default.

    5. Facility Fee: You may change the hourly rate for a facility’s timeslot from the left hand field, or the overall fee for the timeslot from the right hand field.

    6. Configured Services and Equipment: Any service or equipment that is dedicated to a specific facility will appear on the facility’s Edit Timeslot pop-out. If the service is required, it will not have an optional checkbox next to it. You may add, remove, and edit dedicated services and equipment here.

    7. Apply to Additional Dates & Facilities: If there are multiple dates or facilities on a reservation that matched the original timeslot, you may apply the changes made to additional dates and facilities on the reservation. Select the checkbox next to each date or facility you would like the changes applied to, and click Submit.