This article will assist renters with understanding both date and time slot availability on the Facilitron marketplace.

What Does a Grayed Out Date or Time Slot Mean?

When searching for facilities to rent on Facilitron, coming across grayed out date or time slot indicates there is currently no availability on the calendar for a reservation request to be submitted.

When viewing a facility details page (shown above), the calendar may show fully gray or fully green dates.

  1. A fully grayed out date indicates that the date does not have any available time slots to view or choose from.
  2. A green date indicates that there is at least some availability. You may click on a green date to view its available timeslots.

Clicking on a green date will show you the available time slots in black text (a.). Any grayed out and struck through time slots indicate that there is no availability (b.). You may adjust minutes by clicking the clock icon after a start/end time is selected or by clicking adjust minutes. Please see examples of the adjust minutes feature below.

What Causes a Date or Time Slot to Be Grayed Out?

If a date or time slot is grayed out, or not showing availability, one of the following conditions exist:

  1. The facility is already booked for internal or external usage by another group.
  2. The request is outside of the configured rental hours set by the facility owner.
    1. If you are an after-school program, you may select a time slot that is available to proceed in submitting a reservation request. Please leave a comment at checkout requesting the desired times of usage if they were not available at the time of making the request. The facility operator will then review the request and confirm that you are an authorized after school program, and edit your reservation to the requested times of usage.
  3. The facility owner has not yet released calendar availability to outside renter organizations for the date/s requested. 
    1. Please note that school sites do not have authorization to release calendar availability. This is solely determined by the district.
  4. Availability has already closed because the facility owner requires that a request is entered a certain number of days/weeks in advance for review and approval. This may also be referred to as a "schedule delay".

Please note that Facilitron cannot override availability on behalf of your organization without authorization from the required administrators.