This support article will assist administrators with finding reservation requests placed at a different school site than their own.

Navigating to the Active Reservations Page

  1. After logging in to, navigate to your dashboard from the left hand navigation menu and click the Reservations dropdown. 
  2. Next, click Active on the menu bar.

Incoming Reservations Page

Once you click on your active reservations, an Incoming Reservations screen will appear, showing all incoming external reservation requests within your district for a one month time period. An Incoming Reservation is a reservation placed by an external renter, or by another school site in your district.

You can use the filters at the top of the screen to alter your search parameters.

  1. The Organization dropdown allows you to filter reservations by school or site within your district.
  2. The Calendar tool allows you to adjust the date range of your reservation search request. 
  3. The Status dropdown allows you to filter by Approved, Pending, Cancelled, and/or Declined reservations.
  4. The Type dropdown allows you to filter by External and/or Internal Reservations.

Outgoing Reservations Page

If you want to see a reservation request that you have placed at a different site within your district, you will need to toggle from the default Incoming Reservations page to the Outgoing Reservations page by clicking on the Reservations/Incoming Reservations dropdown arrow at the top of your screen and selecting Outgoing Reservations. 

After doing so, a similar reservations page will appear, but with your Outgoing Reservations. This page shows reservation requests that you have placed at sites within your district.

 You can use the filters at the top of the screen to alter your search parameters.

  1. The Organization dropdown allows you to filter your reservations by school or site within your district.
  2. The Calendar tool allows you to adjust the date range of your reservation search request. 
  3. The Status dropdown allows you to filter by your Approved, Pending, Cancelled, and/or Declined reservations.