This article will assist Administrators with alerting Facilitron Staff to a reservation that requires assistance.

Urgent issues that require assistance from Facilitron Support can be escalated by using the Alert Facilitron function in the Comments/History.

Begin by navigating to the Reservation Details page for which you require assistance, and scroll down to the Comments/History section.

Clicking the Alert Facilitron checkbox will open a dropdown menu on the right hand side of the Comments/History box. Select the type of alert that your request relates to (Insurance, Reservation Update, Fees, Users & Roles, Facility Configuration, Renter Update, Refunds, or Other), and type your request in the comment field. Click Submit to process the comment and alert Facilitron Support to your request for assistance!

You may create a Facilitron Alert on both Internal and External comments on a reservation, depending on the nature of your request. If an alert has not yet been closed out and acted upon, then the warning sign will display in a green color on external comments, and red on internal comments.

Once action has been taken to resolve your alert, the Facilitron logo at the beginning of your alert will turn black, indicating the alert has been closed. Our support team will also leave a comment in response to your alert that either notifies you of the action taken, or requests clarification if needed.

If your alert has been closed and the action taken did not resolve your request, please create another Facilitron Alert for our support team to address your concern.